Best 12 Surya Namaskar Mantras With Meaning & Postures

Explore the profound practice of Surya Namaskar Mantras with 12 mantras and their meanings. Discover the postures to unlock the Sun’s energy for physical and spiritual well-being. Dive into the transformative journey of yoga.

Surya Namaskar Mantras
Surya Namaskar Mantras

12 Surya Namaskar Mantras

Table of Contents

Surya Namaskar mantras in centuries, Nadi astrology has thrived through the remarkable abilities of the Saptarishis, also known as Indian Sages, who inscribed palm leaves using their yogic powers.

  • Mystical sages transcribed palm leaves with Surya Namaskar mantras using an ancient Tamil script.
  • Every person on Earth was given these written records.
  • Only those with good karma will receive divine revelations.
  • Surya Namaskar Mantras is an important practice in yoga.
  • It is a form of worship to the Sun, the ultimate source of life and energy.
  • It involves 12 postures, each with a specific mantra honoring the Sun’s energy.

Embracing the Divine: 12 Surya Namaskar Mantras List below:

The Surya Namaskar Mantras mantras are powerful expressions of gratitude and reverence for the Sun, which symbolize vitality, knowledge, and enlightenment. Let’s explore each mantra and its significance:

Pranamasana (Prayer Pose)

Surya Namaskar Mantras
Surya Namaskar Mantras

The journey begins with Pranamasana, where you stand tall with your palms joined together in prayer at your heart center. This gesture signifies acknowledging the divine energy within you. The Surya Namaskar Mantras accompany each step of this transformative sequence.

  • Sanskrit chants honor solar deities and Surya, representing vitality and life force.
  • Chanting these mantras adds a higher purpose to your practice.
  • Connects you with cosmic energy that sustains life.

Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose)

Surya Namaskar Mantras
Surya Namaskar Mantras

As you inhale, raise your arms above your head, arching your back slightly. The mantra “Om Mitraya Namaha” is chanted, paying homage to the friendliness and warmth of the Sun.

  • Sanskrit chants honor solar deities and Surya, representing vitality and life force.
  • Chanting these mantras adds a higher purpose to your practice.
  • Connects you with cosmic energy that sustains life.

Pada Hastasana (Hand to Foot Pose)

Surya Namaskar Mantras
Surya Namaskar Mantras

These extraordinary beings possessed the incredible gift to chronicle the existence of individuals who were either alive or nearing their demise, as well as gain insight into the past and future encompassing the entire universe.

  • Surya Namaskar involves bending forward and placing palms on the floor beside feet.
  • The mantra Om Ravaye Namaha is recited to praise the Sun’s splendor and radiance.
  • Repeating these mantras during each pose creates a sense of reverence and connection.
  • The body moves smoothly from one pose to another with the rhythm of breath and movement.

Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)

Surya Namaskar Mantras
Surya Namaskar Mantras

Inhale deeply and step your right foot back, bringing your left knee close to your chest. The mantra “Om Suryaya Namaha” honors the Sun as the source of all life and light.

  • Surya Namaskar mantras help in letting go of distractions and worries.
  • The mantras immerse you in a state of focused awareness.
  • They serve as reminders to stay present and appreciate the dedicated time for self-care and introspection.

Parvatasana (Mountain Pose)

Surya Namaskar Mantras
Surya Namaskar Mantras

Through Pranamasana’s humble gesture and profound acknowledgment of divinity within yourself and through chanting the Surya Namaskar Mantras throughout your practice, this journey unfolds as a transformative ritual that awakens your inner light and taps into the limitless energy of the sun.

  • Deep breaths release tension and stress
  • Imagining a perfect inverted ‘V’ shape
  • Chanting mantra Om Bhanave Namaha expressing gratitude for the light

Ashtanga Namaskara (Salutation with Eight Limbs)

Surya Namaskar Mantras
Surya Namaskar Mantras

Gently lower your knees, chest, and forehead to the ground while keeping your hips elevated. This pose represents surrender, and the mantra “Om Khagaya Namaha” acknowledges the Sun as the divine bird, Garuda.

  • Surya Namaskar Mantras are invocations to the sun, representing energy and consciousness.
  • They remind practitioners to tap into limitless energy and awaken their inner light.
  • Each mantra has its unique vibration, enhancing the effects of each posture in the practice.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Surya Namaskar Mantras
Surya Namaskar Mantras

Inhale and lift your chest, arching your back like a cobra. The mantra “Om Pushne Namaha” is recited, honoring the Sun as the nourisher of all living beings.

  • Surya Namaskar involves the recitation of mantras and physical movements
  • Inhaling deeply and lifting the chest creates a cobra-like arch in the back
  • This stretch strengthens the spine and opens the heart center.

Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)

Surya Namaskar Mantras

Inhale and step your left foot back, bringing your right knee close to your chest. The mantra “Om Marichaye Namaha” is recited, paying homage to the Sun as the dispeller of darkness.

  • Inhaling deeply and assuming the Mountain Pose
  • Visualizing drawing in vitality and strength symbolized by the Sun’s golden rays
  • Increasing awareness of inner power and potential

Exhale and bring your right foot forward, aligning it with your palms. The mantra “Om Adityaya Namaha” is chanted, acknowledging the Sun as the son of Aditi, the cosmic mother.

Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose)

Inhale and raise your arms above your head, arching your back slightly. The mantra “Om Savitre Namaha” is recited, honoring the Sun as the divine creator.

  • Surya Namaskar mantras strengthen and stretch muscles
  • It brings mental clarity and serenity
  • Cultivates mindfulness and appreciation for the power of the sun
Surya Namaskar Mantras
Surya Namaskar Mantras

Finally, come full circle by returning to the Prayer Pose, expressing gratitude for the divine energy that sustains life. The mantra “Om Arkaya Namaha” is chanted, recognizing the Sun as the radiant source of vitality.

  • Chanting Om Savitre Namaha reminds us of our connection with nature and cosmic energies.
  • It expresses gratitude for the life-giving light and warmth of the Sun.
  • Combining physical movements and vocal vibrations creates harmony and aligns us with nature’s rhythms.

What Are the Benefits of Chanting Surya Namaskar Mantras?

What Are the Benefits of Chanting Surya Namaskar Mantras?

Chanting the Surya Namaskar Mantras has numerous physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. Some of them include:

  • Enhanced Concentration: The rhythmic chanting improves focus and concentration during the practice, leading to a deeper mind-body connection.
  • Stress Relief: The soothing vibrations of the mantras help alleviate stress, anxiety, and tension.
  • Spiritual Growth: Regular chanting instills a sense of gratitude, humility, and spiritual growth in the practitioner.
  • Physical Flexibility: Combining mantras with yoga postures increases flexibility, strength, and overall physical well-being.
  • Balanced Energy: The mantras balance the solar and lunar energies within the body, promoting a harmonious flow of life force.

Are There Any Precautions to Consider While Chanting Mantras?

Are There Any Precautions to Consider While Chanting Mantras?
Are There Any Precautions to Consider While Chanting Mantras?

While chanting mantras are generally safe and beneficial, it is essential to keep certain precautions in mind:

  • Respect the Pronunciation: Proper pronunciation is crucial to receive the mantras’ full benefits, so take the time to learn and master the correct pronunciation.
  • Start Slowly: If you are new to chanting, begin with a few repetitions and gradually increase as you feel comfortable.
  • Listen and Learn: Listen to experienced practitioners or gurus chanting the mantras to absorb the correct rhythm and intonation.
  • Maintain Reverence: Chanting is a sacred practice, so approach it with reverence and devotion, rather than as a mere mechanical exercise.

Unveiling the Postures:

Surya Namaskar Mantras is not just about the mantras; it is equally about the physical postures that accompany the chanting. Each posture has its unique benefits, not only for the body but also for the mind and spirit. Let’s delve into the postures in more detail:

Pranamasana (Prayer Pose)

Pranamasana is the starting point of the Surya Namaskar Mantras sequence. It helps to center the mind and focus on the intention of the practice.


  • Calms the mind and reduces stress
  • Improves concentration and mental clarity

Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose)

Hasta Uttanasana stretches the entire body, awakening energy along the spine and encouraging deeper breathing.


  • Increases lung capacity and oxygen intake
  • Tones the arms and shoulders
Surya Namaskar Mantras
Surya Namaskar Mantras

Pada Hastasana (Hand to Foot Pose)

Pada Hastasana is a forward bend that provides a gentle stretch to the hamstrings and lower back.


  • Stimulates the abdominal organs
  • Relieves tension in the back and spine

Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)

Ashwa Sanchalanasana is a lunge that stretches the thighs and opens up the hip flexors.


  • Strengthens the legs and core muscles
  • Enhances flexibility in the hip region
Surya Namaskar Mantras
Surya Namaskar Mantras

Parvatasana (Mountain Pose)

Parvatasana is a downward-facing dog pose that stretches the entire back of the body.


  • Improves circulation throughout the body
  • Relieves tension in the shoulders and neck

Ashtanga Namaskara (Salutation with Eight Limbs)

Ashtanga Namaskara is a challenging pose that strengthens the arms, chest, and abdomen.


  • Builds upper body strength
  • Prepares the body for backbends

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Bhujangasana opens up the chest and stretches the front of the body.


  • Tones the abdominal muscles
  • Stimulates the organs in the abdomen

Parvatasana (Mountain Pose)

Return to the Mountain Pose to prepare for the next set of postures.


  • Helps in maintaining body alignment and balance
Surya Namaskar Mantras
Surya Namaskar Mantras

Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)

Repeat the lunge on the other side to create symmetry in the body.


  • Enhances flexibility and balance on both sides of the body

Pada Hastasana (Hand to Foot Pose)

Another forward bend to stretch the hamstrings and release tension in the lower back.


  • Stimulates the digestive organs
  • Relieves mild anxiety and fatigue

Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose)

Return to the Raised Arms Pose, lifting the energy towards the heavens.


  • Boosts energy and invigorates the body
  • Expands the chest for better lung capacity

Pranamasana (Prayer Pose)

Conclude the sequence with Pranamasana, expressing gratitude for the journey and the Sun’s blessings.


  • Cultivates a sense of humility and gratitude
  • Balances the energy flow in the body

Surya Namaskar Mantra Meaning?

Surya Namaskar Mantras
Surya Namaskar Mantras

Surya Namaskar, the Sun Salutation, is not just a sequence of physical yoga poses; it is a profound spiritual practice that involves the chanting of powerful mantras. These mantras hold deep meanings and are essential elements of the Sun Salutation, as they allow practitioners to connect with the divine energy of the Sun. Each mantra is a Sanskrit chant that expresses gratitude, reverence, and awe for the Sun, which is considered the ultimate source of life and energy.

How to rememberSurya NamaskarMantra?

Surya Namaskar Mantras
Surya Namaskar Mantras

When it comes to memorizing Surya Namaskar Mantras, repetition is crucial. Break down the mantras into smaller chunks to make them easier to remember and chant. Utilize audio recordings of these mantras and chant along to enhance your learning.

Surya Namaskar Mantras With Meanings

  1. Om Mitraya Namaha: Meaning: Salutations to the friend of all, the one who radiates kindness and harmony.
  2. Om Ravaye Namaha: Meaning: Salutations to the shining one, the source of all life and energy.
  3. Om Suryaya Namaha: Meaning: Salutations to the one who induces activity, the dispeller of darkness and ignorance.
  4. Om Bhanave Namaha: Meaning: Salutations to the illuminator, the one who bestows knowledge and wisdom.
  5. Om Khagaya Namaha: Meaning: Salutations to the one who moves swiftly through the sky like a bird.
  6. Om Pushne Namaha: Meaning: Salutations to the giver of nourishment and strength.
  7. Om Hiranya Garbhaya Namaha: Meaning: Salutations to the golden cosmic self, the origin of creation.
  8. Om Marichaye Namaha: Meaning: Salutations to the Lord of dawn, the destroyer of darkness and negativity.
  9. Om Adityaya Namaha: Meaning: Salutations to the son of Aditi, the mother of gods, the source of light and brilliance.
  10. Om Savitre Namaha: Meaning: Salutations to the stimulator of life, the one who activates the world.

Surya NamaskarMantra and StepswithBenefits:

Surya Namaskar Mantras
Surya Namaskar Mantras

Surya Namaskar mantras is a widely practiced yoga sequence that encompasses twelve mantras and physical postures to express gratitude and reverence to the Sun. Through chanting these powerful mantras while performing the postures, practitioners can align their minds and body, attaining a deep connection with cosmic energy.

  • Surya Namaskar mantras is a yoga practice that combines physical postures and mantras
  • It expresses gratitude and reverence to the Sun
  • The sequence includes 12 mantras and yoga postures
  • Chanting the mantras aligns the mind and body
  • The mantras honor different aspects of the Sun
  • Understanding the meanings of the mantras deepens the connection with cosmic energy
  • The 12 steps flow seamlessly from one to the next
  • Each step synchronizes with the breath
  • Surya Namaskar mantras is a complete body workout that improves flexibility and balance.
mantra of Surya Namaskar
mantra ofSurya Namaskar

Which is the Third Mantra ofSurya Namaskar?

Om Suryaya Namaha is a sacred mantra used in the practice of Surya Namaskar Mantras. It serves as a devotional tribute to the Sun God and signifies the interconnectedness of all living beings. This powerful mantra allows practitioners to tap into the abundant energy radiated by the Sun.

  • Om Suryaya Namaha is a mantra in Surya Namaskar Mantras that pays homage to the Sun God
  • It represents the unity of all creation and connects practitioners with the Sun’s energy
  • Pada Hastasana is the third posture in the Surya Namaskar Mantras sequence, where practitioners stand tall with feet together

Let me Quickly Summarize for you Mantras with Meanings

Om Mitraya NamahaSalutations to the friend of all, the one who radiates kindness and harmony.
Om Ravaye NamahaSalutations to the shining one, the source of all life and energy.
Om Suryaya NamahaSalutations to the one who induces activity, the dispeller of darkness and ignorance.
Om Bhanave NamahaSalutations to the illuminator, the one who bestows knowledge and wisdom.
Om Khagaya NamahaSalutations to the one who moves swiftly through the sky like a bird.
Om Pushne NamahaSalutations to the giver of nourishment and strength.
Om Hiranya Garbhaya NamahaSalutations to the golden cosmic self, the origin of creation.
Om Marichaye NamahaSalutations to the Lord of dawn, the destroyer of darkness and negativity.
Om Adityaya NamahaSalutations to the son of Aditi, the mother of gods, the source of light and brilliance.
Om Savitre NamahaSalutations to the stimulator of life, the one who activates the world.
Om Arkaya NamahaSalutations to the radiant one, the source of existence and vitality.
Om Bhaskaraya NamahaSalutations to the illuminator, the one who leads to enlightenment and self-realization.


The practice of Surya Namaskar Mantras is a beautiful way to connect with the Sun’s divine energy and tap into our inner potential. As you journey through the 12 mantras and postures, you will not only experience physical benefits but also a deeper sense of gratitude, mindfulness, and harmony within. Embrace this sacred practice, and let the Sun illuminate your path to holistic well-being.

Surya Namaskar Mantras: Faq

Q: What is the significance of Surya Namaskar’s mantras?

A: The Surya Namaskar mantras express gratitude and reverence to the Sun, the ultimate source of energy and life force. Chanting these mantras during the practice connects the practitioner with the divine energy of the Sun, bringing harmony and spiritual upliftment.

Q: Can beginners practice Surya Namaskar?

A: Yes, beginners can practice Surya Namaskar, but it is essential to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity. Beginners may choose to do fewer rounds initially, focusing on proper alignment and breathing.

Q: How many rounds of Surya Namaskar mantras should one do?

A: It is recommended to start with 3 to 5 rounds and gradually increase the number based on your comfort level. Advanced practitioners may do more rounds, but it is crucial to listen to your body and avoid overexertion.

Q: Is Surya Namaskar mantras a complete workout?

A: Surya Namaskar mantras provide a well-rounded workout for the entire body. The sequence of postures stretches and strengthens various muscle groups, improves flexibility, and boosts cardiovascular health. It serves as an excellent warm-up or a standalone practice for physical fitness.

Q: Can Surya Namaskar mantras be practiced at any time of the day?

A: Surya Namaskar mantras are traditionally practiced at sunrise, as it is believed to be the most auspicious time to connect with the energy of the Sun. However, it can be done at any time of the day, preferably on an empty stomach. Practicing in the morning enhances vitality, while in the evening, it helps release the tensions of the day.

Q: What are the spiritual benefits of Surya Namaskar?

A: Surya Namaskar mantras help in aligning the body, mind, and spirit, leading to increased awareness and spiritual growth. The practice instills a sense of gratitude, humility, and reverence for the divine forces at play in the universe.

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